Stock Journal

See the device that softens hard water and improves overall yields

WATER WISE: Hydrosmart CEO Paul Pearce, Dr Bob Moore and Brian Wilkinson appear to be on a winner with their water conditioning process.
WATER WISE: Hydrosmart CEO Paul Pearce, Dr Bob Moore and Brian Wilkinson appear to be on a winner with their water conditioning process.

This is branded content for Hydrosmart.

FARMERS, producers, growers, miners and domestic users have found there's more to the magic elixir of water than first thought, courtesy of Hydrosmart.

Water, you understand, presents in various forms, especially out in the bush where underground sources are often far more readily available than rainfall.

Mind you bore water, which is commonplace, comes with its own issues.

However, Paul Pearce and his team at the Adelaide, SA-based Hydrosmart have unlocked solutions to an array of issues and consumers are benefitting from their water conditioning process.

Briefly, Hydrosmart uses a computer processor and pipe wrapped in coils that gets inserted into an existing pipe flow system, whether on-farm or elsewhere.

As water travels along the pipe it passes through electrical fields and pulses which activates the water disrupting and weakening the bonds of minerals by putting an ionising charge onto water molecules.

It can be used on bore water, river water, town and mains water and is designed to treat scale, corrosion, salinity and iron.

"These electromagnetic and electrical forces are applied to water via coils wrapped around a plastic pipe loop for units up to 100 mm or straight pipe runs on pipes from 150 mm - up to 500 mm - providing over three metres of contact time and oscillating (activating) water molecules as they pass through the pipe," Mr Pearce said.

"This in turn helps to weaken their bonds and produces a wide range of beneficial outcomes, particularly with highly mineralised, salty, iron or calcium-rich sources. In short, the device softens hard water to improve overall yields.

"Just like a good overnight fall of rain, which can only be gifted by the weather gods, farmers can notice a difference to their crop within a few days".

Over the past 12 months Hydrosmart has conducted a field trial on young, seedless citrus trees in California using water of 1200EC (electrical conductivity units - a measure of salinity).

During the trial, 32 tree girths and heights were recorded and regulated measured amounts of fertiliser were applied as trees were grown in sandy desert soil. Recorded data shows that treated water on 16 trees produced a 30 per cent increase in tree size over 16 trees irrigated without Hydrosmart.

A beef farmer contacted Hydrosmart when they realised their Poll Herefords were unable to gain weight. They had water, but it was not allowing the cattle to fatten. The bore ran water with 7000 ppm TDS which Mr Pearce says the cattle did not enjoy. Hydrosmart supplied a solar powered 50mm sized unit treat the water.

The cattle gained weight as they drank the Hydrosmart-conditioned saline water.

When Hydrosmart was launched more than 20 years ago it served the grape growing regions of South Australia, winning immediate acceptance.

"We had vineyards report seeing vines perk up within a week of putting in a Hydrosmart unit," Mr Pearce said.

Hydrosmart's benefits extended beyond improvements to water quality.

A company spokesman said the Hydrosmart process did not produce wastewater and used only five watts of power to produce the necessary electromagnetic fields and resonance frequencies, meaning no huge electricity bills or it can run on solar if required very simply.

"These units are simple to install and are totally maintenance free," Mr Pearce said.

"With its amplified electronics and three metres of contact time the approach is much more powerful than the old static magnets and quite a remarkable range of benefits occur once water is activated.

"The products also improve stock health when bore water is high in salt and minerals. Hydrosmart conditions the water back to a more palatable level and assists animals to better metabolise nutrients in their gut for healthier growth and overall quality, and is used on many types of stock from chooks to cattle, sheep and horses."

"The water conditioner improves all water sustainably, working for decades without need of any filters or consumables, just a normal 10 amp power point or solar panel and battery."

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This is branded content for Hydrosmart.